Chichester Harbour was designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in1964.
Chichester Harbour occupies about 57 square km of estuary and countryside with over 80 km of shoreline and many thriving villages on the south coast between Havant and Chichester. The Harbour is home to over 10,000 boats, the villages are home to over 10,000 people and the farming areas generate some of the most productive yields in the country.
Chichester Harbour
Chichester Harbour occupies about 57 square km of estuary and countryside with over 80 km of shoreline and many thriving villages on the south coast between Havant and Chichester. The Harbour is home to over 10,000 boats, the villages are home to over 10,000 people and the farming areas generate some of the most productive yields in the country.
Chichester Harbour Conservancy
The Conservancy was formed by Act of Parliament in 1971 to manage the water as a Port Authority and also
to manage the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty for conservation and community engagement. The offices are based in Itchenor.
Solar Heritage
The Solar Heritage is a 14 metre solar-powered catamaran which can carry up to 50 passengers and is available for one-and-a-half-hour boat trips from Itchenor for much of the year and one-hour trips from Emsworth in the summer.
The Solar Heritage is available for private charter.